Doug carving one of 2 turkeys.
After Thanksgiving Feast game of Pokemon.
Yesterday was Thanksgiving. We celebrated with my family at my brother's house. Almost the whole family was able to come - minus one brother & his family (except for my nephew Craig that came for the weekend from College), and 2 nieces and 1 nephew and thier families. As always, there was WAY too much food. It was all very yummy! We feasted on turkey, ham, potatoes - mashed & sweet, vegetables and fruit. Not to mention the very yummy pies - Peanut Butter, Caramel Apple, Key Lime, Pumpkin Cheesecake & Derby. Thanks to everyone that contributed to such a wonderful meal and company. I must've really had a good time because I didn't take as many pictures as I thought I had.
Included in each landform are plants, snow, people and/or animals that pertain to that area. There are mountain climbers, an alligator for the swamp, an octopus in the ocean, coyotes in the desert and much more!!!
Here is the man in his boat on the lake. Behind him is the waterfall.
Don't forget the canoers carrying their canoe over their heads toward the lake or the river.
Here's Ryan with the finished project. Tons of fun to build!
I couldn't resist adding this picture of Ryan. Here he is, just chillin'.
Doug has successfully retrieved the egg:
Compare our fresh egg (on right) to a store bought egg:
Last night, Doug went out to check on Luna our big hen. She is about 7 months old. Last night was the night of our first egg! We have no idea when she actually laid the egg, but there it was - all by itself in her nest. It is a very soft brown color and is considerably smaller in size than the extra large eggs we buy from the store. We are hoping to be getting an egg a day - although I understand that they don't always lay eggs everyday. I have a feeling we will be eating fresh eggs this weekend. Let's see . . . scrambled . . . fried . . . omelet . . .
We also went to a favorite restaurant over the weekend - Joe's Farm Grill. They have such great food. They grow vegetables on site. Everything tastes so fresh! Ryan brought a friend with him and they brought Star Wars toys. I think it's so cool that Ryan is so into Star Wars - just like his parents were at his age. They had a great time setting up a battle on the table before our food arrived. It was such a great evening - the weather is so nice right now. We ate outside at the picnic tables. It was a great lunch.