Ryan with box from Secret Admirer:
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Secret Admirer
On Valentine's Night, our doorbell rang. Ryan & I went to the door to see who it was . . . there was a box of Krispy Kreme Doughnuts. The box said "To Ryan". Nobody was there. It was a Secret Admirer! Ryan has been enjoying his yummy doughnuts!
Sunday, February 15, 2009
School Program
The other night, we attended Ryan's school program. In his grade level, they have been learning about our state's history. They sang songs, did some dancing and shared history and state facts they have learned. It was a very good program. Since we live in the Southwest, the kids were encouraged to dress in cowboy, Spanish or the school colors. I think most of the kids enjoyed wearing cowboy hats - most of them were borrowed from parents because they kept falling down over their eyes. Ryan's class performed the Mexican Hat Dance. His hat (which is actually mine) kept falling over his eyes so he just took it off for the dance. It was a very good program.
Before leaving for the program:
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Valentine's Morning
Ryan's class had a Valentine's/Arizona State Birthday Party on Friday. Since I volunteer on Friday's, I was already there to help out. Several other parents came in also. It was tons of fun. The teachers requested foods from Arizona to be sent in during the week and the kids got to each them on Friday. We had cake and ice cream also. Doug surprised us by coming in with roses for Ryan's teach and me. I guess we decided to continue our Valentine's Celebration by ordering heart shaped pizza on Friday night. It was yummy!
It's a broken pizza heart:

Then, we woke up on Saturday morning, Valentine's Day & exchanged gifts:

Ryan got some candy and a "LOVE" gift card for one of his favorite places to shop - Target. He's already begging to go there:

Doug got an Asian party mix and two of his favorite movies, if you look really close, you can see Sam trying to get to the party mix:
The heart shaped pizza:

Then, we woke up on Saturday morning, Valentine's Day & exchanged gifts:

Ryan got some candy and a "LOVE" gift card for one of his favorite places to shop - Target. He's already begging to go there:

Doug got an Asian party mix and two of his favorite movies, if you look really close, you can see Sam trying to get to the party mix:
Friday, February 13, 2009
Ain't Got Nothin' But Love
To quote Scott, "I ain't got nothin' but love" fits perfectly for the title of this entry. This phrase is uttered a lot in our house. Usually when someone is having a bad day, or when we get to teasing each other (which happens more often than not!)
First, I have to apologize for my lack of postings. We have been hit be various bugs in our house since the middle of January. Luckily, nothing very serious - although, it may not have felt like it at the time. We have had strep throat, fevers, a stomach bug that took several weeks to get over. Mostly over the past few weeks, we have spent a lot of time watching movies, catching up on favorite recorded shows and reading.
So, here we are in the middle of February and one day before Valentine's Day. I took these pictures at Target last week. They had some fun Valentine's decorations out. Scott saw them and announced one of his favorite quotes - "I ain't got nothing but love".
Ryan & Scott showing off their love:
Got love?
Ryan saw these travel pillows and thought they looked like the ring in a bull's nose:
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