This holiday has been a very smooth one for some reason. I would like to say it was due to really good planning, but that is probably not true at all. Really, I think what it comes down to is just getting the stuff done that needed to be done. I know how very simple that sounds . . . but let's be real, sometimes the simple things are the hardest. This year, I worked on one or two projects everyday until everything was completed. And . . well . . . it was super nice to have everything done & ready to go a full day and a half before Christmas Eve. I cannot tell you how nice it was to spend Christmas Eve relaxing. I'm hoping that I can do it all again next year - I guess time will tell.
Now, don't get me wrong, there were some projects that I really wanted to do this and did not get done. But these were projects that were more for me to complete than anything. And so, they will be ready for me next year to work on - because this year they just weren't meant to be completed. And I am totally okay with that.
Okay, okay so on to the photos - I mean, I'm pretty sure that's why you are here anyway - and not to listen to me ramble on & on.
As is our family tradition, we went to my brothers house for the evening on Christmas Eve. We always have Mexican food for dinner, a Christmas story telling - and reenacting - singing and of course our fun family gift exchange. My father also shared some memories of his childhood Christmases and how very different they were than we experience today. It was a fun evening.
Our yummy Mexican Christmas Eve Fiesta |
Now that is a table full of presents. These are the gifts from the
exchange. There were some pretty fun gifts this year - Lego set,
the biggest container of cheese balls you've ever seen,
a reindeer piggy bank, candy, socks and toys. |
Another view of that massive pile of presents. |
Ryan was the first to pick and got a box of
post-it notes - which got stolen by Kelly.
He then picked his next gift which was two
packages of sparklers. |
When we got home, Ryan opened his gift from
his Grandma & Grandpa Harper - Christmas
jammies and a gift card to Walmart. |
Ryan setting out some cookies for Santa. He
was in bed by 9:30 ready for Santa to come
the next morning! |