Yeah! I finally got some pics ready for posting! These are only about a month and a half old but oh well . . . here they are! We went to the Arizona Renaissance Festival in February with my niece and her family. It was a great time. The weather was perfect and we spent most of the day there. We went to several of the shows, enjoyed some yummy food - including one of my favorites funnel cake and did some shopping. I think we were pretty tired by the time we left but look forward to doing it all over again next year. Besides, Ryan has his souvenir for next year's visit already picked out.
Waiting for the jousting tournament. When we arrived we had just enough time to make it to the first show, so off we went.
The Royal Court:

And, I guess this must be the Royal Brass Section:

Our Knight, we really liked his helmet. He won several of the different events:

We worked up an appetite watching the jousting and such so we got some lunch afterward. Ryan and I shared a slice of pizza.

Doug, Ryan and I:

Baylee, Ben and Ryan trying on helmets:

Ben found one he liked:

Ryan played many of the games that they had including this crossbow shoot:

Doug and Ryan both tried out knife throwing:

We went to several shows including the Royal Jousting Tournament, The Ded Bob Show, and this new balancing show. It was pretty good. I would have preferred more acrobatics and less goofing around, but that's just me.