Friday, April 16, 2010

Happy Birthday to Ryan

A little bit late on the posting but not late on the celebrating. Ryan's birthday was last month and we had a small celebration. Sorry it's taken me so long to get caught up with the posting. Anyway, we started out the morning with presents and breakfast.
Checking out the goods:
His birthday card:
One of his gifts was the brand new Lego board game - Minotaurus. How can you go wrong with Lego's in our house?
He also received a Jared Allen Vikings jersey. He really wanted one for Christmas, but Santa couldn't find one anywhere - after very extensive looking!
Building the new Lego game:
Waiting to play the game. It's very fun. It changes every time you play because you can move pieces on the board as part of your turn at times.
Later that night, for his dinner Ryan wanted to go to Ted's Hot Dogs. We met my parents and Kelly there. On they way, Ryan informed us he was not going to eat a hot dog he only wanted the french fries. Crazy! How do you go to a hot dog place and not eat one? They grill the hot dog right in front of you while you are waiting in line. Yummy!
Then my parents came over to our house to give Ryan his gift and play some games. Here, Ryan is very happy with one gift from Grandma & Grandpa - a gift card to Walmart. I think he had it spent in his mind already that night.
They also gave him a bottle of fresh squeezed orange juice from their trees. Earlier in the week, Ryan had a friend over and they discovered how yummy fresh oranges of our citrus tree are. So, Grandma thought this would make a great gift for him. As you can see by his smile, he liked it too!
We then played Apples To Apples for several hours.
Blowing out the candles on his birthday cheesecake.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

April Calendar Pages

Here are the last four years of calendar pages for the month of April. Which means it is time to get totally caught up with the current batch of pictures and things that we have been up to! It has been very fun going down memory lane with these pages. Since I created these pages on my computer - and have kept them all. I just can't bring myself to delete anything that has pictures in it. Which explains why my computer is busting at the seams to be purged of some files. Anyway, every month, I put the current month as my wallpaper on my computer. It's so fun to change it so often and to revisit last years activities.


Tuesday, April 6, 2010

March Calendar Pages

Here are the next four months of pictures - March. I don't know about you, but I really am enjoying seeing these pages grouped all together like this. It's pretty fun to see the things we have done and how much we have changed in four years.


Sunday, April 4, 2010

Renaissance Festival - a break from calendar pages

Yeah! I finally got some pics ready for posting! These are only about a month and a half old but oh well . . . here they are! We went to the Arizona Renaissance Festival in February with my niece and her family. It was a great time. The weather was perfect and we spent most of the day there. We went to several of the shows, enjoyed some yummy food - including one of my favorites funnel cake and did some shopping. I think we were pretty tired by the time we left but look forward to doing it all over again next year. Besides, Ryan has his souvenir for next year's visit already picked out.

Waiting for the jousting tournament. When we arrived we had just enough time to make it to the first show, so off we went.

The Royal Court:And, I guess this must be the Royal Brass Section:
Our Knight, we really liked his helmet. He won several of the different events:
We worked up an appetite watching the jousting and such so we got some lunch afterward. Ryan and I shared a slice of pizza.
Doug, Ryan and I:
Baylee, Ben and Ryan trying on helmets:
Ben found one he liked:
Ryan played many of the games that they had including this crossbow shoot:
Doug and Ryan both tried out knife throwing:
We went to several shows including the Royal Jousting Tournament, The Ded Bob Show, and this new balancing show. It was pretty good. I would have preferred more acrobatics and less goofing around, but that's just me.

Friday, April 2, 2010

February Calendar Pages

Here are the February pages for the last four years of calendar events. It's always fun to revisit some of these old activities and memories from over the years. See how much everyone has changed. Now, remember, the pictures are actually from the year before. So, if the calendar is from 2007, the pictures on it are from 2006. Confusing right?


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