Saturday, July 31, 2010

Football Game #6

I didn't get many pictures of this game.  Or at least, not many good ones to share.  So, here is the one and only picture from Football Game #6.

Heading out to the field

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Band Concert

In May, Ryan had his last band concert of the school year.  I think he had fun playing the French Horn, although, it depends on his mood at the moment whether he will agree with me or not.  He had fun practicing for this concert and was less nervous for it than he was for his piano recital.  He did sign up for band again next year on his own, so it must not have been too terrible for him.

He had pretty good support for this concert.  His grandma & grandpa were there as well as his cousins Ben, Brittany, Baylee and Payton.

After the concert was over, we joined Ben, Brittany, Baylee, Payton and Ryan's friend Shawn and his family - Rick, Kim and Matt for some frozen yogurt.  It was yummy and fun to visit with family and friends.

The Beginning Band

Ryan playing his French Horn

Ryan with his band teacher, Mr. Strock

Shawn & Ryan

Kim, Rick, Doug and Matt enjoying their frozen yogurt

Baylee and Ryan

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Piano Recital

It was a pretty busy day.  The same day as Ryan's 5th football game, he also had a piano recital.  It was fun to watch him go from a football jersey to dressed up to play the piano.  My parents were able to come and watch him play.  He was nervous, but did very well.
Waiting in line for his turn.
Ryan playing his song.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Football Game #5

Here we are nearing the end of the the football season.  This game was actually played in May.  I can't imagine playing (and watching) football in this heat!  that would be a bit much!  They do have summer leagues.

Ryan running for the flags

Friday, July 23, 2010

Football Game #3 & 4

Today was the double header. The team played a game, had an hour break and then played another game. I didn't take that many pictures today. I think I was more into cheering this day.
Ryan getting ready to play defense. It seemed like the majority of the time he was on offense he was facing away from me, so I could only get pictures from behind.

It might be a little hard to see, but, if you look behind him, he his holding the other kids flags. It was fun to watch how much more confident he got as the season went on.

Must be an offensive play - he has his back to me!

Sunday, July 18, 2010

July Calendar Pages

I cannot believe that I am all caught up on the calendar pages.  Now, to just get caught up on the rest of our activities!

Thursday, July 15, 2010

June Calendar Pages

Here are the calendar pages for June from the past four years. I'm gonna have to get working on my calendar for next year.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Football Game #3

Slowly but surely I am getting caught up. This is the third game of the season. I wish I could tell you scores, but honestly, I had a hard time keeping track of them while the game was going on. We got too involved with cheering the team on. And of course, I had the camera to my eye most of the time looking for the shot rather than paying attention to who even had possession of the ball.

Ryan was picked to be one of the team captains for the coin toss. The tall blond boy goes to Ryan's school and they had been looking forward to playing each other.

In the huddle getting the pep talk for the next play:
Ryan going for the flags:

Monday, July 12, 2010

Gonna Go Back In Time!

So, it was three months ago. It wasn't nearly as hot as it is now. And it was Easter time. We didn't get a chance to decorate our Easter eggs until the Saturday before Easter. So, we pulled out the newspaper, setup the table and got ready to dye away.

Ryan getting ready to put the dye in the cups:
Everything we needed to get dying:
Ryan putting the dye in the cups. That's what I'm holding in my hand, those tablets that always remind me of those chewable tablets we had to do in school that were red and showed how well (or how bad) you were at brushing your teeth. Those things tasted so nasty. I'm glad we don't have to chew on these:
I think I am folding up those paper rings that you can use to set the eggs in for display (but it's been so long I'm not 100% sure anymore):
Ryan slowly dropping the egg into yellow:
Our Easter Baskets the next morning. Lots of candy, some skinny jeans for Ryan and a new Lego game:

Friday, July 9, 2010

Football Game #2

It was the second game of the season. We had a lot of new players on our team, including Ryan. Never having played on a league before. They had played in one game and knew what to expect now. They were a little more excited going into the second game. And, the other team never showed up. We aren't sure what happened, we just know that they were not there. So, they split the team in two and let them play against each other. The team had a lot of fun. I'm not sure what the score was, but the good news is - the Vikings won!

On the sideline waiting for the game to begin (before we got the official word that the other team was not there):

The Vikings coaches:
Get those flags:
In the huddle:
Playing defense:

Monday, July 5, 2010

May Calendar Pages

Here are the Calendar Pages from May over the last four years. It's fun to see how much Ryan has grown over the years. And to see the different activities we have been up to.





Sunday, July 4, 2010

Football - First Game

Wow oh wow - where does the time go? I guess it's been a whirlwind of events for us over the past few months. I am going to be doing a ton of catching up here. Since March!!! Sorry about that. I really do miss posting and keeping track of all the things that we have been up to. So, I will do my best to remember everything and get it here.

In March, Ryan decided to play flag football. Well, maybe not Ryan so much as me. I really would like him to have tons of experiences. I mean, that's the only way you can figure out if you really like something - you've got to give it a try. Just this winter, he decided that he liked football and we watched a few games together. He is a Minnesota Vikings fan. His flag football team unanimously decided they wanted to be the Vikings - several of the kids were originally from Minnesota and several more were fans as well. The team mom made a call to the league and got us purple jerseys! It was great!

It was a ton of fun. He met some new friends and got some good exercise. And we had a great time watching him play. The games were so much fun! I'm glad we gave this a try.

Warming up before the first game:
"Caught" that ball just before it left the frame of the photo! Love it when that happens!
Ryan's got his eye on that ball:
Gotta get stretched out for the game:
Waiting on the field for his first play of the game:
On the sidelines with a friend:
Getting lined up for the play:
Ryan and the Vikings head coach:
Waiting for the kickoff:
In the huddle:

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