Ryan |
Finally, after a year of asking for it, Ryan is playing tackle football. He had his fourth practice last night and seems to really be enjoying it. It's tough work - and lots to learn - like the right way to tackle and guard. He is not the smallest player on his team - and definitely not the largest either. It's fun watching the practices. And he really is listening to the coaches when they pull him aside with some pointers. He just needs to find his inner aggressive Ryan!
This picture was taken the day we got all his equipment. It took me a couple days to get used to seeing a football helmet and shoulder pads laying around the house. We got home and he couldn't wait to put everything on all at once. Oh, and he even cut his hair - pics to come of that later on. We would push his hair back to put on his helmet (those things are a very tight fit) and next thing you know he's running around in practice with a bunch of hair sticking out of the front of his helmet. The only downside to no more long hair - it's not as easy to pick him out of the crowd at practice.