Wow, I cannot believe it is the weekend already and in October! Where has the time gone? Oh yes, having a great summer. Here is Ryan and R2D2 from legos:

I haven't been very good about taking pictures for fun lately. So, I don't have any updated photos - except of the dogs. Okay, I'll share those too!
Ryan has been having a lot of fun in his skateboarding class. I figure, he's got the hair for it, he should learn how to do it! He's enjoying it. Doug & I have as much fun watching him!

Ryan saved up his allowance and bought a new critter for our house. 'Cause, apparently we didn't have enough. Let's see a Bearded Dragon, 4 common geckos and a Leopard Gecko. Yep, definitely not enough. So, he bought a fire-bellied toad. I have to admit he has been very good about taking care of it. Every morning he cleans out his water dish & gives Inferno fresh water. Here are some pictures of Inferno "moving in".
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