Our young chickens in their old home:
In case you didn't know, this is the way to move chickens:
Doug, with the baby chicks in the box, ready to be moved in with Luna, our older hen:

Coco and Frankie checking out their new home:

Ryan watching Coco and Frankie (after they finally got up enough nerve to check out the rest of the chicken coop):

All 3 chickens together:

Well, our little chicks aren't little chicks anymore. We moved Coco and Frankie into the big chicken coop earlier this week. They were outgrowing their make shift home. So, we decided it was time. I was a little nervous how Luna was going to react to the new additions to her home. It was pretty boring to watch actually. She eyed them a little bit and then the three of them just walked around scratching and pecking at the ground. I have noticed the two youngin's stick together.
OK, did I miss something? What happened to your other bigger chickens? I'm sad your little chickens grew up too soon for us to bring Baylee to see them again as chicks. Maybe you need to get some more. :) And, we need to go to the Christmas thing at Schnepf Farms sometime!
Yes, our other big chickens - Chicken Joe & Cody met an early end. It was a sad day in the Harper House. That is why we got the new chicks. Yes, they did grow up very fast. They are very cute to watch. Even in the big pen, they stick together pretty much all the time. Mom has started calling them "the twins". Don't mention getting more to Doug, Ryan or Scott - they are all onboard with that! Not too long ago, we had an opportunity to get a goat - I had to put my foot down for that. :0) Let's plan for Schnepf soon! We loved going there for Halloween with you!!
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