We got a
flyer on our door last week advertising a Neighborhood Water Balloon Fight. A family we know that lives at the other end of our street wanted to organize a water balloon fight as a way for families to meet. At 1pm, last Saturday, we went down to their house with our big bucket full of water balloons. I have no idea how many water balloons we made, but it was a heavy bucket. There were four other buckets. They had marked off an area with cones and the buckets were place in each corner. Anyone could participate as long as nobody got wild. It was a lot of fun. We threw water balloons at everyone until they were all gone, and then the buckets were dumped on people. Some of the kids brought water guns and had fun shooting those once the balloons were gone. Afterward, most of the kids & the parents picked up the balloon remains. It lasted about an hour from the first balloon thrown to the last balloon fragment picked up. It was fun.
Our bucket of balloons:

Ryan hoping for the "fight" to begin soon:

Some of the neighborhood kids waiting for the signal to start. Ryan was throwing his in the air and catching it:

Ryan with two balloons, getting ready to throw:

Ryan throwing a balloon at Doug:

Ryan & a neighbor girl getting ready to throw their balloons:

Bucket Vs. Water Gun:

Ryan and a neighbor friend, Marcos, enjoying shooting water at me:

That is such a fun idea they had! Looks like a blast!
It was a lot of fun. When we got the flyer, we thought it was kinda' a weird idea. But, we had a great time - of course, we usually do have a great time! :0)
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