This year, our plans to celebrate the fourth were very last minute. It worked out that my parents and brother and my niece and her family were able to come over for a cookout,
swimming, movies and video games. I'm glad we got together from some fun family times. There were a couple Harry Potter movies that got watched, some Halo was played on the
XBox, swimming and tons of yummy food to share!
Ranger & my dad:

My mom with her newest great-grandson:

Ben & Doug grilling the food. Ben prepared these totally yummy
shish-kabobs (or however you spell them!):

Ryan was very excited to have Ben come over. That meant someone new to play Halo with:

Ben "rocking it" in the pool with Doug &

Both dogs made it in the pool, with a little help from me, to hang out with Doug:

All the swimmers, including the dogs:
Baylee & Ryan playing with his Halo guys:

Ryan, Melissa & Doug ready to watch some fireworks:
Baylee fell asleep on the way to fireworks and never woke up. Here's Ben,
Baylee, Brittany and Payton:

The Fireworks:
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