For those of you that know us, October is always an extremely busy month full of lots of fun activities. Well October of 2009 fell right in line. We were constantly on the go - and with the hundreds of pictures I took . . . let's just say it's going to take me a little bit to get caught up!
We went to a Pumpkin & Chili festival with my niece Brittany, her husband Ben and their two kids. Last year we went for the first time to this particular festival with them also and had such a great time, we've been looking forward to going again all year long. Finally the day came. We went earlier this year than we did last year and we still didn't get to do everything there. We ended up leaving a little early. We all got worn out & our allergies were going crazy! But well worth it!
We Love Sonic at our house & couldn't pass up the opportunity to pose with the Sonic drink:

Ben & Baylee's turn. Halfway through their turn, their "strings" broke, so Ben improvised and threw the balls at the target.
Ryan & Baylee on the airplane ride. He wanted to take Baylee on the ride. She was excited to go on the ride with Ryan but was more excited about getting the plane with the flames.

Last year we didn't eat there. This year we had to have some chili. It was pretty good. Here's Ryan with his hot dog meal:
Doug & I split this chicken and chili meal:
Ben & Brittany shared a hot dog and pulled pork sandwich with Baylee:
While eating, Payton let me take a bunch of pictures of him. What a cutie!
Mini golf time. I'm not sure how they think this works well, but all the golf balls are white! Ryan lost his in the bushes. It was really dark off the course. So I let him have mine. Then like two holes later he found another stray ball so we all got to finish the game. We don't ever keep score, we just go for the fun of it.

We had so much fun! Can't wait until next year! You got a lot of great pictures. You are so much better at getting pictures than I am!
We can't wait until next year also!
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