It finally happened. I have been so excited for this and I finally did it. Last Friday I cut off all my hair! This was the final part of my milestone birthday celebration. It's been in the works for a year and a half or so. I decided that I really wanted to donate my hair to Locks of Love and so the growing out began. This also meant I had to take it easy on the hair color. That was very tough. You see, I really like to have fun with my hair. I had a stylist once that used to keep an index card file box for all of her customers so that she could remember exactly what was done to their hair from one visit to the next. She kept teasing me that she was going to have to get one box just for me. We never did the same thing twice. I guess when your hair tends to grow pretty quickly you don't have to worry about "mistakes". So, I have fun with the cut and the color. Let me tell you, I am so sick of black right at the moment. I had my cut picked out since last summer.
Here is my hair two days before the cut. I have never had my hair this long before. It was kinda neat to get to this point:

OMG! Girlfriend, I had no idea you were doing this, now I want to see you even more!
When is our date?
Soon hopefully!!! Miss you tons!!!
I love your new hair! Especially that bottom pic of you is gorgeous. What a fun birthday!
Heather, thank you so much! You are too sweet! Hope you are doing well & hanging in there, not much longer right?
Cute! I love it!
Thanks Brit! We NEED some sushi soon don't we?
Yes, sushi would be good! Lets go sooner than later.
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