My family has a lot of traditions from Halloween through New Years. Every year on New Years Eve, my family gathers at my house to celebrate. Everyone brings favorite foods to snack on during the evening, favorite games to play and stories to share. We always have a great time. We leave the evening pretty open and just let everyone do what they would like.
As usual, there was plenty of food. We had sushi, chili cheese sandwiches, chips with salsa or queso dip, chocolate candies, cookies and much more. My kitchen was pretty full with all the yummy foods.
We also have plenty of activities. There is always something to do in our house. We had Rock Band going on in the front room, Mexican Train Dominos at the kitchen table, and Apples to Apples in the Family Room. In addition, we had some impromptu activities break out including a pillow fight, dart tag and Nintendo Ds. Something for everyone. And if you didn't feel like playing something, there is always plenty of visiting and chatting whenever my family gets together.
Ryan and Annie playing Nintendo Ds together. I'm not sure what game is going on right now, but they had a lot of fun playing together:

Ben, Ryan & Baylee broke out in a mini pillow fight for a while:

Doug, Scott and Ryan started a game of dart tag:

Scott was having a hard time finding some of the darts he kept getting hit with:
Ben couldn't resist the fun & joined in:

"Rockstars" Doug, Ben & Scott:

Angela concentrating on Mexican Train Dominos:

Finally it was almost midnight. We went outside for the countdown. Scott is looking a little cold waiting for midnight:

Every year we are the only ones making noise in my neighborhood. Go Scott Go!

Ryan ringing in the new year:

Ben & Baylee making some noise:

Doug & Ryan:

Finally a happy new year to all from Ryan & I:
Thanks for having us over! We had a lot of fun, and I think that's the first year we've actually stayed up until midnight.
I'm so glad you came - and all 3 of you made it until midnight. It was a fun evening!
Let's do it again and invite Melody. LOVE YOU ALL.
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