Ryan came home early from school during the week with a sore throat and 101 temperature. He then got to spend the next few days at home with fevers getting up to 103 and strep throat.
Fun! After his antibiotics kicked in, he was going a little "stir crazy". He's not one to sit around for very long. He wanted to go to Wal-Mart to get Twister. I'm not sure what prompted him to want to get it. So, we came home and played Twister for at least an hour. We would take turns - two people played, one person spun and the fourth person got to "take a break". It was fun. The person that won stayed in until they lost. After 3 matches or so, your muscles would start to burn a little. I don't remember Twister being as challenging when I was Ryan's age! And I enjoy doing yoga! We did have fun until my mom & brother came over to go out for dinner.
It was all smiles in the beginning of the evening:

Ryan took this picture. Great view, don't ya' think? Um . . . not really . . .

Ryan starting out all twisted up:

Not sure what the face is all about - doesn't this look like the standard position for crab soccer? I remember playing that during gym class in Elementary School. Oh wait, I remember playing that just a year ago in Karate class.

Scott just chillin' with his left hand on green and his feet on blue. Too bad he couldn't get those feet switched around.

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