We had a very nice Easter. It was pretty quiet & relaxing. We got our Easter Baskets first thing in the morning. Doug cooked a turkey and we took it over to my brother's house where most of my family was together to celebrate the day. We had a wonderful dinner and then the kids hunted Easter Eggs. It was nice to see everyone and watch the kids have a great time hunting for eggs and playing together.
The Harper's Easter Baskets:

Ryan hunting for Easter Eggs - because it's always so warm here around Easter, we hunt the plastic eggs:

Doug & Scott watching the kids hunt.

Ryan checking out what he got in his eggs:
It was fun to see you guys. Doug's turkey was amazing! Hope you're all healthier than my family!
It was great to see you too! Wish we would've had more time to visit. Ezra is getting so big. Doug has definitely found the way to put the moisture back in the turkey! Scott & I were both sick after Easter but are better now. Sorry to hear you all aren't feeling well. Get better soon!!!
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