Ranger on the other hand chews everything into tiny little pieces. And during the chewing, he usually spits it out a couple times so that he can smell it and lick it - I've never seen a dog take so much time to chew treats but he does. It was funny watching him eat his mentos. And did his breath smell very minty afterward.

To solve the Sam problem, we tried softening one up in the microwave. Well, it didn't soften instead it just melted. Sam enjoyed licking the melted mentos, but it still didn't do much for his breath. We got a great laugh out if it all, so it was worth it in the long run.

Did you brush their teeth after this great entertainment? I wonder at times if those dogs know how lucky they are living with you guys.
Nope, no teeth brushing. Sam doesn't mind getting his brushed, but Ranger is pretty adamantly against it.
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