How can you go wrong - a double feature movie, your own snacks, blankets, pillows all for under $20 for four!!! Not a bad way to spend an evening. And that's just what we decided to do! The weather was perfect & the entertainment around us was just as good if not better than one of the movies we watched. The gates usually open at 6:00pm. We wanted to get there early enough to get a great spot, but not so early that we had to sit and wait for the first movie that started at 8:00pm. So, we rolled into the drive-in about 6:30 and the place was a ghost town! There was one other car there that was driving around trying to figure out where to get in at. We pulled up to the first ticket both, put the car in park, listened to some great music and watched that other minivan driving around. Finally it gave up and pulled in behind us. It's official now - we were the first car in line! Crazy! We went to see the double feature of Shorts and G-Force. After paying, we pulled into the area where our screen was and parked right up front, dead center to the screen! I've never had such a
primo location before!!! We pulled out our lawn chairs, our cooler and broke open the
KFC bucket! It was yummy. After eating, the boys hopped in the back of our Jeep and set up
Yugi-oh cards to battle. The first movie was pretty funny although a little hard to follow. They kept jumping all over the time line a lot. I laughed more than I thought I would and I'm sure somewhere in there there was a lesson to be learned. During that movie, a car decided to wedge itself between us and the minivan to our right. The minivan had all it's doors open, so this new SUV couldn't fit all the way. First of all this new SUV got there much later and was actually
interrupting the movie or at least the previews. Then the driver proceeded to get out of her vehicle and demand that the minivan turn off their interior lights or she would have to put a jacket in their window so that it wouldn't bother them. Never mind the fact that she had just pulled up during the
beginning of the show with her headlights on all of us that had been there for quite sometime. Whatever. So minivan people turned off all their interior lights and shut their doors. So, SUV took this as a sign to squeeze herself between our two cars. It was a tight fit. I remember looking at Doug and saying there was no way those two cars would be able to open their doors as long as she was there. Well, after the first movie was over, minivan decided to leave. And . . . during the process of packing up she allegedly (I really hate when reporters use this word!!) opened her car door and hit
SUV's car. The driver from the SUV immediately got out and made a federal case out of it, complete with reenactment. Well hello, if you hadn't got here late, and insisted on forcing your car into a spot that wasn't big enough for your vehicle, but what do I know? It was crazy. I don't know if insurance information was exchanged or not, but I do believe at one point
SUV's teenage daughter wrote down the license plate number of minivan. Good luck with that claim! He said, she said kinda thing. After minivan pulled away, SUV decided she wasn't done getting her anger out and came over to talk to me. Doug & the boys were in the bathroom. Lucky them! I've never wished to be in a public restroom before in my life. I basically told her it was between the two of them. I didn't see her open the car door, I didn't go look for damage and I don't know what happened, I was just here to watch the movie with my family. It took the wind right out of her sails. About 15 minutes into the second movie they left. And another crazy family came and took minivan and SUV's spots. Crazy times at the drive-in. Maybe that's the price you pay for getting such an awesome spot! We did enjoy the
movies and all the crazy goings on!
Ryan & his friend setting up Yugi-oh:

Our eats:

Getting ready for the movie:

Really this is the way to watch a movie at the drive-in, blankets and pillows and laying down:

Waiting for the movie to start:

Getting ready to munch on some popcorn as soon as the movie begins:

This was our view of the screen, notice the headlights on the chair? That's from SUV squeezing in to her spot:

We watched the moon come up over the trees beside the movie screen. It was big and beautiful. I tried to capture it as best I could with no tripod. We also watched some lightning off in the distance, it never got close to us!