It's been a pretty long month. My dad was admitted to the hospital because they wanted to try him on some new heart medication and since he has some allergies to different medications the doctor decided to have him in the hospital while they tried out this new medication. Well, it was a good thing that they did. He did not react very well to it. After being there for almost 2 days, he was moved up to ICU and was there for over a week. It was a long stay for all of us. Luckily, my work was pretty light and I was able to get to the hospital pretty often to visit. He came home toward the end of last week. I called the house to check on him and he informed me that when I came over I should bring my camera because he had quite the beard going. Many years ago, after one of his surgeries, they were unable to shave him for a while and his beard started growing in. It was the most beautiful white beard. Since then I have told him he should grow it out. Now mind you, my whole life, I have never seen my father with facial hair. He just never grew it, always clean
shaven. So, when he was released from the hospital this time with a pretty decent growth of facial hair, he let me know that I should come visit and take a picture.
Here is the only picture that I know of showing my father with facial hair. I'm pretty sure he's going to shave it off just as soon as he can! Thanks for keeping it long enough for me to get a picture, I think it looks good.

When we went over, I suggested to Ryan that he bring the French Horn, since I was pretty sure that my parents would love to see it in person since it has been all fixed up. Ryan played a couple songs for them:

We were getting ready to leave when Warren and his family stopped by. I thought what a great chance to get a picture of the four French Horn players in my family & with the French Horn with us! I figured since Warren is calling me a romantic with this whole
French Horn business, I might as well go all out. So, here I am with two of my brothers - Warren & Kelly along with Ryan that have all played the same French Horn.
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