Ryan saved up his allowance to get the Warthog from Mega Bloks. It is from the Halo series of games - which he is totally crazy about. If you don't know what it is, just ask him and he will be more than happy to talk your ear off about it!
He very quickly put the turret together and then informed me that I needed to build the Warthog because it was difficult to build and keep together at the same time. He has gotten really good at building Lego type creations, but if it will not stay together as you are building, he gets pretty frustrated. Here he is with the turret (I like it for obvious reasons - it's purple!):

The pieces for the Warthog:

Here I am building away, with Cherry Coke within reach for that quick energy. It takes a lot to build these creations!

I even had a casualty - my fingernail. Or more correctly, my thumbnail. While trying to snap on one of the tiniest pieces I've seen, my fingers slipped and off came a section of my thumbnail. I was tough and made it through the rest of the build:About halfway through:
The finished Warthog complete with gun on the back and driver:
Ready for some action:
The purple, and blue, turret:
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