Wednesday, January 13, 2010

The Day After Christmas Shopping Experience

Usually, we avoid any shopping on the day after Christmas. Especially since we were returning, or I should say exchanging something. We thought we might be safe since it was at Ikea - plus they were offering breakfast for 99 cents. We gave Ryan some new dressers for Christmas, thought it was time to replace my old dressers from when I was like 20 or so. But, one of the boxes that got picked up was the wrong one. We loaded up the car and off we went. No Crowds! We ate breakfast first and then took care of all the exchanging and finding the right item.

Here's Doug pushing the cart with our trays on it. The total for all three of us to eat breakfast was less than $4.00!!!
All three of us we filled up. We each got eggs, hashbrowns and bacon, plus a side of sausage for Ryan. I mean it wasn't gourmet or anything, but it was tasty!
Ryan & I enjoying our meal:


Brittany said...

I love eating at Ikea! Last time we went, Ben wanted to look around first, and then the restaurant closed. We had to eat the hot dogs and pizza downstairs instead. Not as exciting. :(

Diana Gibbs said...

Is that OUR purple nail polish?

Love ya

Mel said...

Brittany - we do love eating at Ikea! Why haven't we been there together? When Ryan was younger we loved the kid play area too - and so did he!!!

Diana - OH! It just might be OUR purple nail polish! I hadn't even noticed that before. Did you ever get it? I LOVE MINE!!!

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