Wednesday, March 31, 2010

It's Been Awhile

Oh man! Is there anyone still out there. I would be surprised and wouldn't blame anyone for not checking this out here. It has definitely been WAY too long since I have posted. It's not for lack of things to put here, we have definitely been as busy as usual and I, of course, have taken WAY to many pictures so that's not the problem. So, here it is...

I'm not one to make excuses because, well, that's just what they are, excuses. When really the plain simple fact of the matter is, I just haven't been here to post things. I could tell you all about this and all about that, but what it all really boils down to is there have been no postings for quite some time.

Since, I don't have the pictures from all of our March activities ready to go yet, I am going to post something a little different until I can get them ready. See, that's the real problem - a photographer posting pictures on a family site. I can't seem to bring myself to put pics on until I have them truly ready to be presented to the world. So, please bear with me. And in the meantime, I hope you will enjoy this posting.

Every year I create a family calendar. It hit me some years ago . . . being a photographer (which quite honestly I had a hard time admitting I was one of those for many many years - and yes I do know that I have issues) I realized one day, why am I paying for art in my house when I should be displaying my own work. Kind of a duh! moment really. So, I started blowing up my own work and using it in my house. Well, again, I had another duh! moment and realized why am I paying for a calendar when I can make my own and have what I really would like to look at throughout the year on it. Ever since, I have created family calendars. I use the pictures from the year before and highlight different activities. I have a great time creating them and think that we really enjoy them throughout the year. This past year I had four printed - one for the kitchen, one for Ryan's room, one for Doug to take to work and one for my parents. I decided to share the pics with you. I will start with January.





Wednesday, March 3, 2010

More Music - guitars!!

In just two months time, we now have 3 guitars in our house. One electric and 2 acoustic. We do love music in our house. Here are the three of us, one evening after dinner and homework and showers and all the nightly things we have to do (including piano and French horn practice). We each had a guitar and learned three chords. It was fun, even if those strings really hurt your fingers!

Doug & Ryan tuning Ryan's electric guitar:
For my birthday, I was given a guitar. Of course it's purple! What other color would it be? I think it looks great with my black fingernails.
Ryan concentrating on the three chords we were working on that night:
Doug taking a break between chords:

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