A brand new puppy for Christmas. Santa brought us our first beagle. He is the best dog I have ever owned:

Hardly anyone can resist a new puppy. This is my mom with our new Beagle on Christmas Day:

And my dad with our new puppy, also on Christmas Day:

Ryan & Ranger have been great friends from the beginning:

Ryan & Ranger have been great friends from the beginning:

Then, when Ranger was a year and a half, we rescued Sam (9 months old). The two of them have gotten along great - just like brothers. They do get into scuffles every now & then, mostly when Ranger is trying to boss Sam around. For the most part, they play fight and get along. They don't even fight over food.

One day, I couldn't find Ryan or the dogs. I searched and searched. Then I heard laughing coming from my closet and there they were. I've heard it said before, Every boy needs a dog, and I believe it to be true.

This is one of my favorite moments. We hadn't had Sam very long & the two boys were still trying to figure each other out. I call this picture Doggie Bunk Bed. One was laying under the pillow and one on top. I got a good laugh out of this one before I took the picture.

For as long as I can remember, my Dad has affectionately called dogs "knotheads". Well, we dont' know what Sam got into or did, but if you look very closely at the top of his head, he literally is a "knothead".

During the summer time, they even enjoying swimming with us. Here is Sam "tolerating" us putting him on the board.
Ranger being a good sport with goggles on. Ranger actually loves to swim. He will jump in and swim around a bit on his own.
Patiently waiting for their food:

Doug may not appreciate this picture, but it cracks me up. Taking a nap on the couch. Sam is a rather large Beagle and really hasn't figured out that he is big. He will try to fit in anywhere he can. Both of his legs are hanging off the couch, not touching the floor. He was asleep like that until I took the picture, then when I was done, he went right back to sleep.

Doug may not appreciate this picture, but it cracks me up. Taking a nap on the couch. Sam is a rather large Beagle and really hasn't figured out that he is big. He will try to fit in anywhere he can. Both of his legs are hanging off the couch, not touching the floor. He was asleep like that until I took the picture, then when I was done, he went right back to sleep.

Ranger was meant to live with me. In the winter months he gets very cold and wants to cuddle all the time. He decided Scott looked like a good place to cuddle and warm up. Scott didn't complain at all. Instead, he enjoyed the moment.

The other day, we stopped in at Old Navy to check out their clearance items for us. They had some doggie clothes on sale. Mind you, I love my dogs, but don't treat them like humans. Usually we look at the doggie clothes and laugh at the silly things they put on them. Well, they had the coolest hoodies. We bought one for each of the dogs. They are soft and warm just like sweatshirts.

Ok, those hoodies are too funny! Love them!
We couldn't pass them up, they were too cute.
I got way behind on all your blog posts. I love reading your blog, it is so good to see what all of our family is up to!
And it makes me miss AZ too!
It is fun! I enjoy checking in on your blog & seeing how big your "not-so-little" one is getting. What a cutie!!! Thanks for reading. It's good to know I'm not the only one having fun with it!
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