Sunday, July 4, 2010

Football - First Game

Wow oh wow - where does the time go? I guess it's been a whirlwind of events for us over the past few months. I am going to be doing a ton of catching up here. Since March!!! Sorry about that. I really do miss posting and keeping track of all the things that we have been up to. So, I will do my best to remember everything and get it here.

In March, Ryan decided to play flag football. Well, maybe not Ryan so much as me. I really would like him to have tons of experiences. I mean, that's the only way you can figure out if you really like something - you've got to give it a try. Just this winter, he decided that he liked football and we watched a few games together. He is a Minnesota Vikings fan. His flag football team unanimously decided they wanted to be the Vikings - several of the kids were originally from Minnesota and several more were fans as well. The team mom made a call to the league and got us purple jerseys! It was great!

It was a ton of fun. He met some new friends and got some good exercise. And we had a great time watching him play. The games were so much fun! I'm glad we gave this a try.

Warming up before the first game:
"Caught" that ball just before it left the frame of the photo! Love it when that happens!
Ryan's got his eye on that ball:
Gotta get stretched out for the game:
Waiting on the field for his first play of the game:
On the sidelines with a friend:
Getting lined up for the play:
Ryan and the Vikings head coach:
Waiting for the kickoff:
In the huddle:

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