Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Finally - we have an egg!

Checking the Chicken Coupe:

Luna has made a nest for laying and a nest for sleeping. She is in the nest for sleeping right now. The two balls you see are golf balls - to encourage a hen to lay eggs.

The first egg from Luna on November 10, 2008:

Doug has successfully retrieved the egg:

Compare our fresh egg (on right) to a store bought egg:

Last night, Doug went out to check on Luna our big hen. She is about 7 months old. Last night was the night of our first egg! We have no idea when she actually laid the egg, but there it was - all by itself in her nest. It is a very soft brown color and is considerably smaller in size than the extra large eggs we buy from the store. We are hoping to be getting an egg a day - although I understand that they don't always lay eggs everyday. I have a feeling we will be eating fresh eggs this weekend. Let's see . . . scrambled . . . fried . . . omelet . . .

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