Friday, December 10, 2010

Who Needs A Pillow - I'll Just Make My Own

I have said it before and am pretty sure this is not the last time you will hear this from me.  Sam is one crazy dog.  I mean very, very unique.  I could probably say it every day for the rest of my life and it still would not be enough to really get my point across.  Just when we think we have seen the strangest thing from him, he does something new.  And what's really sad, is that he is starting to mellow out quite a bit. 

We had a pretty cold couple days about a week or so ago.  I mean really cold for us - highs in the 50's.  Yuck!  and BRRRRRR!  So, we pulled out the warm clothes and the slippers and such.  Doug had been wearing his slippers but took them off right at the couch.  And here is the pillow that Sam decided to make for himself.  I mean he's already got the "blanket" on by wearing his hoodie.  He just needed something soft to rest his head on er I mean in.

Yep, you are seeing that right.  He has his nose down inside
the slipper.  It was very toasty in there.

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